Save your life when in danger with this tips.

By Kevin Zhou.
1. Always let know where you will be.
Letting people know where you are going will help the police find you if something happens to you.
2. Hands out of the pockets.
If you're walking down some stairs or a cliff, take your hand out of your pockets so if you fall you'll have something to support on and reduce damage.
3. Never get dragged into a car.
If a rober or an attacker tries to drag you into a vehicle do whatever is neccesary to avoid it. If you are dragged, chances are you'll never be found. Yep, it's scary.
4. Take your look out of your phone!
Don't walk around the street with your eyes fixed on your phone! If you do so the chance of an accident happening increase, and no one wants to be injured by a silly device!
5. Lost?
"Where am I?" If you ever ask yourself in a forest, you probably are lost. Calm down and think. try to find the path back, but overall find shelter and water.
6. Phone and drive? No, tahnks.
Back again at devices. Texting or answering a call while driving is really dangerous, even if it doesn't seem so. If the call is really important, find place to stop and thencall back. Remember, no one wants to be injured because of a stupid device.
7. Trust your instincts.
After all we're mammals, we have instincts. When you really are in the pint where you don't know what to do, stop thinking and do the first thing that comes across your mind, it's probably the best option.
8. Agressive dog?
If you're walking your dog, come across a dangerous and agressive dog and it attacks yours, grab him by the back legs and pull backwards.
9. Defend yourself.
If someone tries to attack you, look for a hit in the eyes, the groin or the ears. Strong hits in these places will briefly stun the attacker, giving you some time to escape.
Remember well these things and if you ever get into a dangerous situation, you'll get to live another day.
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