sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017

Become A Better Magician

Becoming a magician

Magicians are from those group of people that are loved by everyone, from the little children to grown ups, and that's because of their charm. So why not learn some simple tricks to charm everyone? And maybe if you really like magic become a professional magician.

Advice: learn a little bit of misdirection before starting.

by Kevin Zhou.

1. Making instant ice. 

This one is a quite easy trick and you'll impress every child. You need to put a bottle of water in the freezer for about 2 hours (this way it gets almost frozen) and then pour the water over some ice. Because of science the water will freeze and become ice!

2. Moving a katchup bag inside a bottle.

For this trick you'll need misdirection. First take a bag of ketchup and put it inside a bottle of water. When you have put the bag inside the bottle, the only thing that need to be done is squish the bottle, you'll see how the bag goes down! Now to make it go up again just slowly release the bottle. It's neccesary that your doen's see you squishing the bottle so move your free hand following the ketchup bag so they don't focus on the other hand.

3. Making a coffee cup float.

To do this trick you need an empty coffee cup with a cut on the side, big enough to fit your thumb. Put your right thumb inside the hole made beforehand and hold the cup with both hands, then release it holding it just with your thumb, that's it. This trick is really easy, what might be a harder is people not noticing your thumb and to avoid so you can shake your hands when you release the cup.

4.   Make Sprite change colour

This isn't much of a magic trick but will still surprise your kid. It's easy, put some food coloring under ice inside a cup so when you pour Sprite it will "magically" change color.

5. Linking two paper clips.

This trick is little bit harder so I'll explain it by steps:
  1. Take a dollar bill and accordion-fold it into thirds so it has an S shape.
  2. Attach one of the paper clips to the front of the bill from the top, with the shorter side of the clip facing you. The clip should go over the outer layer of the folded bill as well as the middle layer, and it should be clipped near the edge of the bill, not the fold.
  3.  Attach the other paper clip to the back of the bill from the top, with the shorter side facing away from you. Again, the clip should go over the outer layer of the folded bill as well as the middle layer.
  4. Take one end of the bill in each hand and give it a quick snap. The clips will fly into the air, and when you pick them up, they’ll be attached. How? Magic, of course.
6. Rubber pencil. 

This trick is based on nothing but a visual illusion. Hold a pencil by one of its tips as close to the end as possible, then move it up and down, you'll see how it looks like its rubber made!

Thanks for getting to the end of the post. I hope that with this little easy tricks you can impress and make happy some children :).

Related BecomeABetter: Get an easier life!

Related: https://www.rebellion.es/; magic tricks; magic tricks.

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