How to lose belly fat

by Kevin Zhou.
1. The magic of ginger.
Ginger is a root originated in Southern China and has been used in china for lots of years because of their properties. It's easy you just need to boil some ginger slices and drink the "tea" that comes out. For more efectiveness rub the boiled ginger in your belly, it's burning properties will help.
2. Take care of your calorie intake
First of all, yes it's true that you can eat whatever you want as much as you want. But you need to track your calories so later you can burn them! This way no matter how much you eat, if you know how much calories you ate you can burn them later. Just make sure you do enough exercise.
3. Eat chocolate.
Eat chocolate (as I said before, as much as you want), chocolate, especially the one that has higher percentage of cocoa, is healthy for your brain because it contains healthy fats. Also it has digestive properties that'll help you lose belly fat.
4.Eat tons of citrus fruits.
Citrus fruits (i.e. oranges, lemons, grapefruit...) will help your digestive system. Research show that citrus fruit boos the production of acid in your stomach wich will help you digest food better, resulting in a flatter chest.
5. Take care of your carbs.
I've seen in lots of other sites that carbs are bad and they make you fat. They're kinda right yeah, but it's not totally true. Carbs are only transformed into fat when you don't burn them. So, as I said in hte start, if you consume lots of carbs, make sure you burn them later!
6. Have fats too!
Fats are good, they help your brain work better! But not any kind of fat, you should totally avoid satured bad, as they are not healthy for your heart. Other fats (polyunsatured and monounsatured) are healthy and you can have them. You'll find the healthy fats in avocados, fish and nuts.
7. Lift weights.
Weight lifting is the most effective way of burning fat, eve, I'n more than cardio, and as I said before you need to burn fat if you want to eat a lot! And don't be scared of lifting weights if you're a girl and don't want to be too bulky, muscle doesn't appear unless you really want it to, so lift those weights without fear!
This are pretty much the steps i followed to have a flat belly and they really helped me, so you should give them a try!
Thanks for reading and send me any question you have, I'll answer your questions as soon as I can!
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