Some Advice To Become Happier :)
by Kevin Zhou.
Happy Tip 1: Choose Happy
The first step is to make a conscious choice to boost your happiness. In this book, The Conquest of Happiness, published in 1930, the philosopher Bertrand Russell had this to say: "Happiness is not, except in very rare cases, something that drops into the mouth, like a ripe fruit. ... Happiness must be, for most men and women, an achievement rather than a gift of the gods, and in this achievement, effort, both inward and outward, must play a great part."
Once you've decided to be happier, you can choose strategies for achieving happiness.
Happy Tip 2: Be Thankful
In his book, Authentic Happiness, University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin Seligman encourages readers to perform a daily "gratitude exercise." It involves listing a few things that make them grateful. This shifts people away from bitterness and despair and promotes happiness.
Happy Tip 3: Forgive
Holding a grudge and nursing grievances can affect physical as well as mental health, according to a rapidly growing body of research. One way to curtail these kinds of feelings is to foster forgiveness. This reduces the power of bad events to create bitterness and resentment, that's what Michael McCullough and Robert Emmons, happiness researchers who edited The Psychology of Happiness.
Happy Tip 4: Negate Negative Feelings and thoughts
As Jon Haidt puts it, improve your mental hygiene. In The Happiness Hypothesis, Haidt compares the mind to a man riding an elephant. The elephant represents the powerful thoughts and feelings -- mostly unconscious -- that drive your behavior. The man, although much weaker, can exert control over the elephant, just as you can exert control over negative thoughts and feelings.
For example, you can practice meditation, rhythmic breathing, yoga, or relaxation techniques to quell anxiety and promote serenity. You can learn to recognize and challenge thoughts you have about being inadequate and helpless. Here's a little quiz to measure how much anxiety you have.
Happy Tip 5: Money is not everything
Yeah sure money is important and everything but research shows that once income climbs above the poverty level, more money brings very little extra happiness. Yet, we keep assuming that because things aren't bringing us happiness, they're the wrong things, rather than recognizing that the pursuit itself is futile.
Happy Tips 6: Good Friendships
One of the important things in life are good friendships. But don't get me wrong, good friendships are not every friend you talk with everyday. Sure those are friends but probably you only have 1 or 2 true friends. Try to find out who are those people who will never turn their back and treasure them as if they were all the gold in the world because in the bad times they'll be there to support you.
In conclusion happines is easy to achieve you just need to find the right things to do. Thanks for reading my page and I'd apreciate any kind of advice and let me know if something was unclear.
In conclusion happines is easy to achieve you just need to find the right things to do. Thanks for reading my page and I'd apreciate any kind of advice and let me know if something was unclear.
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