lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

Become A Better Language Talker

Want to improve a second language?

Knowing more than one language is essential nowadays. From saving you in a foreign country to get a job for a big income in an important multinational. But learning a new tongue is not easy and I'm sure this tips will help you!

by Kevin Zhou.

1. Learn the most basic words. 

Find the most used and common words. But don't get tangled up searching for words. Usually there are no more than 100 key words. The most important are "Hello", "Thanks", "Please" and "Goodbye". From there judge yourself wich words will be the most useful.

2. Meet people that speaks the language.

Texting and talking with people with the language you want to learn as their main one will help you a lot. You'll get more fluid when talking, will learn common expressions that are not in the books and also knowing someone from a foreign country is nice for when you visit it.

3. Accept that you'll commit errors.

People commit mistakes even when their speak their mother languge, so what's wrong if you say something wrong when you talk another tongue? Nothing! Even if you think they do, people won't judge you, at least not if they're nice. If they laugh at you maybe you should not mix with them.

4. Conversate.

This relates with point 2. Conversation is the easiest way to learn a language. Maybe when you start you'll need the other person to talk more slowly and you won't understand most of the things, but the more time you conversate the more fluent you get and the more fluent you get the better you speak and idiom.

5. Exploit your brain.

Study, learn and search for new words until your brain can't take it anymore because there's the point where you can't learn anymore and that means you've learned a lot. At the start your limit may be 1 hour but eventually you'll get to 2-4 hours.

6. Entertain yourself.

Watch movies, series, documentals... Read books, magazines, posts... Try to change your entertaining time activities idiom to the one you want to learn. But don't change this for your studying make this a side habit. 

7. Travel to a foreign country.

There is no better way to learn a language than having to use it everyday at every time. So when you have the chance to go to the country you like, don't hesitate and do it! Apart from the language you'll learn its culture!

8. Trust people.

 If you're in a foreign country and get really lost or don't know what to do in certain situations do'nt be afraid of asking for help or advice to the locals, they will always be glas to help you. You can't be shy when travelling to another country.

I hope that this tips helps you learn a new tongue! Thank you for reading and share it if you liked it!

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