Are you living your life too angry?

By Kevin Zhou
1. Slow connection = angry.
If your mood changes according to your mobile or computer connection maybe you should start thinking how important you see your phone.
2. Was that my phone?
If you need to be checking your phone for social media notifications evry 5 minutes, you're giving something too much importance: You should care less about other people lives and focus more on your own.
3. Do I really have to do that?
You complain too much about everything and never want to do anything. Start to change this, life is not for the laziebones.
4. Work again?
You curse a lot on your job and don't enjoy doing it? Maybe you should leave it as soon as possible and find something else.
5. Yes! This motivated me!
Reading some motivational quotes it's ok at some points in your life but reading them everyday doing nothing won't take you anywhere. Do some more action and some less quotes reading!
6. F*ck that car!
Being cursing and misbehaving not just to another driver but to a waitress, cooks and pretty much everybody in your life is never a good thing. Think about it before saying anything next time.
7. OMG I need gems!
Playing some games on your phone in your free time is nothing bad. Spending all your day trying to get that Pokemon, finding the best strategy in that hard game or even spending money for some special rewards in games is a really bad sign.
8. Ugh give me a shot I'm stressed!
The use of drugs on a regular basis to forget about your "hard" life is not the solution. Try to limit your alcohol intake and avoid any drugs that you might think would help you.
9. Use protection.
Getting used to have unsafe or unprotected sex will only lead you to unwanted pregnancy and the infection of STD.
If you see any of these warnings in your life, it's time to change! If you son't see any of it share it to a friend that may need to take a look at this.
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