jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

Becoming A Better Easier Life

1 minute tricks that'll change your life!

Reading these each one of these advice won't take you more than 1 minute but they'll change your life forever! Make sure to read and remember them all!

By Kevin Zhou

1. Choose what's important.

Most of the things you do now (about a 70-80%) will turn into nothing in the future. Think thoroughly and choose which thinks will han an useful outcome in 5 years. The other thinks are useless shit.

2. MI3

The most 3 importants things in the day, choose them every morning. An alternative could be the 1 must 3 should  5 could.

3. Productivity chain.

Invented by Seinfeld, the productivity chain says that to be good at something you must do it everyday. Everyday is every day, holidays included.

4. Memory is not reliable.

Even if you're a genius and think you can remember everything, you can't. Write things down, make a note in your phone... Just do it, I don't care how.

5. Stick to your routine.

Plan a routine everyday in the morning along your MI3. This will help you learn to prioritize, forget about useless tasks and save you lots of time.

6. Keep a log.

This is related to the rule before. Keeping a log of wjhat yoou did yesterday will help you remember better your activities and save you time.

7. Schedule your emails. 

Don't check your email 1st thing in the morning, designate some time between 1 - 1.5 hours. Reading emails 1st thing in the morning can ruin your day. Also try to keep your inbox 0 as possible.

I'm sure these tips will change your life! They changed mine and because of it I'M sharing them with you. Make sure to help other people by sharing them.

Nice webpages: https://www.easy-life.es/https://www.easylife-conciliacion.com/www.easylifegroup.com/.

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