Gain bulkier with this tips!

by Kevin Zhou.
1. Find out which body type you are.
There are lots of body types, but mainly you can be ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph. Each of those types has its advantages and disadvantages. When you find out which body type you have you'll be able to focus on what fits you better!
Find out your body type here.
Find out your body type here.
2. Train according to your needs.
Training 3 hours every day is not the solution to build muscle faster, moreover it can even be bad. Depending on your body type (ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph) you'll need to train more or less or docus more on cardio or on weight lifting.
3. Manage training time well.
As I said before, it's not neccesary to train every day every week, by doing so the only thing you'll achieve is worn out your body. Wehn you by lifting weight what you do is break your muscle fibers. Those fibers need time to repare so they adjust to the pressure you put on them (this is how muscles grow). If you train everyday your muscles won't grow so leave at least one day in between your workouts.
4. Eat enough!
Don't be afraid to eat. To build muscle you need to increase your calorie intake. But wait! Don't jump directly onto that pizza! You need to count the macros (protein, fat and carbs) that you ingest. Depending on your body type you'll have to focus more on carbs or proteins. For example, I'm an ectomorph and I need more carbs.
You'll have to track calories too. I use the MyFitnessPal app to track my calories and works really nice.
You'll have to track calories too. I use the MyFitnessPal app to track my calories and works really nice.
5. Carbs are NOT bad.
Carbs are essential to your body as they're the main source of energy. Don't believe in those myths that say that carbs are bad, you just need to consume them from the right source. Avoid carbohydrates that come from sugar, white flours, pastries... and have complex carbs from full-grain bread, sweet potatoes, legumes... Here's a guide on good and bad carbs.
6. Have protein.
Muscle fibers regenerate from protein. It's simple, if you don't have enough protein your muscles don't grow. So from now try to have protein with every meal you have. But be careful from where you get it! Try to stick to lean sources of protein like egg whites, chicken, cottage cheese.
Also if you don't see yourself able to consume so much food, try to have protein shakes. Personally I reccomend MyProtein. They worked the best on me.
7. Fats.
I won't say much about fats, just know that you brain uses them to work, I think that's enough. Healthy fats come from nuts, avocados, salmon...
And no, fat is not transformed into fat.
8. Plan your meals.
Every day know what will you eat the next day and make sure you can fill all your macros, this way the next day you won't have to be struggling on ehat to eat. Also try to make sure you have all the ingredients, sometimes you might think you have something and not having it may break your meal plan. Also remember to have protein with every meal!
6. Have protein.
Muscle fibers regenerate from protein. It's simple, if you don't have enough protein your muscles don't grow. So from now try to have protein with every meal you have. But be careful from where you get it! Try to stick to lean sources of protein like egg whites, chicken, cottage cheese.
Also if you don't see yourself able to consume so much food, try to have protein shakes. Personally I reccomend MyProtein. They worked the best on me.
7. Fats.
I won't say much about fats, just know that you brain uses them to work, I think that's enough. Healthy fats come from nuts, avocados, salmon...
And no, fat is not transformed into fat.
8. Plan your meals.
Every day know what will you eat the next day and make sure you can fill all your macros, this way the next day you won't have to be struggling on ehat to eat. Also try to make sure you have all the ingredients, sometimes you might think you have something and not having it may break your meal plan. Also remember to have protein with every meal!
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