sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2017

Becoming A Better Life Saver

Save your life when in danger with this tips.

I hope that it never happens to you but if you ever get into a dangerous "do something or die" situation knowing these few things will keep you alive another day. Make sure to remember them well!

By Kevin Zhou.

1. Always let know where you will be.

Letting people know where you are going will help the police find you if something happens to you.

2. Hands out of the pockets.

If you're walking down some stairs or a cliff, take your hand out of your pockets so if you fall you'll have something to support on and reduce damage.

3. Never get dragged into a car.

If a rober or an attacker tries to drag you into a vehicle do whatever is neccesary to avoid it. If you are dragged, chances are you'll never be found. Yep, it's scary.

4. Take your look out of your phone!

Don't walk around the street with your eyes fixed on your phone! If you do so the chance of an accident happening increase, and no one wants to be injured by a silly device!

5. Lost?

"Where am I?" If you ever ask yourself in a forest, you probably are lost. Calm down and think. try to find the path back, but overall find shelter and water.

6. Phone and drive? No, tahnks.

Back again at devices. Texting or answering a call while driving is really dangerous, even if it doesn't seem so. If the call is really important, find place to stop and thencall back. Remember, no one wants to be injured because of a stupid device.

7. Trust your instincts.

After all we're mammals, we have instincts. When you really are in the pint where you don't know what to do, stop thinking and do the first thing that comes across your mind, it's probably the best option.

8. Agressive dog?

If you're walking your dog, come across a dangerous and agressive dog and it attacks yours, grab him by the back legs and pull backwards.

9. Defend yourself.

If someone tries to attack you, look for a hit in the eyes, the groin or the ears. Strong hits in these places will briefly stun the attacker, giving you some time to escape.

Remember well these things and if you ever get into a dangerous situation, you'll get to live another day.

jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

Becoming A Better Easier Life

1 minute tricks that'll change your life!

Reading these each one of these advice won't take you more than 1 minute but they'll change your life forever! Make sure to read and remember them all!

By Kevin Zhou

1. Choose what's important.

Most of the things you do now (about a 70-80%) will turn into nothing in the future. Think thoroughly and choose which thinks will han an useful outcome in 5 years. The other thinks are useless shit.

2. MI3

The most 3 importants things in the day, choose them every morning. An alternative could be the 1 must 3 should  5 could.

3. Productivity chain.

Invented by Seinfeld, the productivity chain says that to be good at something you must do it everyday. Everyday is every day, holidays included.

4. Memory is not reliable.

Even if you're a genius and think you can remember everything, you can't. Write things down, make a note in your phone... Just do it, I don't care how.

5. Stick to your routine.

Plan a routine everyday in the morning along your MI3. This will help you learn to prioritize, forget about useless tasks and save you lots of time.

6. Keep a log.

This is related to the rule before. Keeping a log of wjhat yoou did yesterday will help you remember better your activities and save you time.

7. Schedule your emails. 

Don't check your email 1st thing in the morning, designate some time between 1 - 1.5 hours. Reading emails 1st thing in the morning can ruin your day. Also try to keep your inbox 0 as possible.

I'm sure these tips will change your life! They changed mine and because of it I'M sharing them with you. Make sure to help other people by sharing them.

Nice webpages: https://www.easy-life.es/https://www.easylife-conciliacion.com/www.easylifegroup.com/.

martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017

Become A Better Life Hacker

15 Life Saving Hacks

Life will trick you many times and most of them you won't know what to do. By learning thses easy things you'll overcome those challenging life moments in which you are screwed. Get prepared now for life! 

by Kevin Zhou.

1. Finding out if some batteries work.

By dropping some batteries about 6 inch (15cm) you'll know if those old batteries still work. If when you drop them they bounce a little and fall, they're good. If they bounce around you can get rid of them.

2.Avoid dripping rubbish.

By placing some old newspapers on the bottom of your rubbish bin the trash bag won't leak those disgusting liquids that nobody likes and leaves everything dirty.

3. Instant frozen.

Need to freeze a drink lightning fast? Place a wet paper around your beverage and put it in the freezer, it'll freeze in no more than 15 minutes!

4. Beach safe case.

Going to the beach? Can't find anywhere to place your stuff? Clean a lotion bottle and place everything inside! People won't steal your lotion bottle and if the bottle is well closed you can even get it into the water!

5. Fancy champagne ice.

Want to impress your guests in an fancy party with champagne? Freeze some green grapes and place them inside the glasses. It'll give a glowing green colour to the champgane and people will be surprised by it!

6. Love iced coffee?

If you love iced coffee in the hot summer mornings but don't have time to prepare it then make it the night before! Prepare some coffee and pour it in an ice cube tray, next morning you'll just have to put them inside some milk and drink your iced coffee.

7. Never lose lent objects.

Ever lent something to someone and he/she lost it? Make sure you take a photo of your friend holding your properties with your phone. This way when you go claim your item you'll have evidence of lending it!

8. Make perfect pancakes.

Everybody knows how to do pancakes, but does everybody know how to do them perfectly? If you are one of those who struggle doing pancakes just place the mix inside a cleaned ketchup bottle, this way you can shape them as you like. 

9. Damn eggs!

Have you ever struggled with things as simple as peeling a boiled egg? Never have such problems again by using some baking soda (about a tablespoon) when boiling eggs. The shell will come almost on its own!

10. No more cold pizza.

Ever bought a pizza and it got cold on your way home? Never eat a cold pizza again just by turning on your seat warmer!

11. Where are the sockets!

Have you ever been in a hotel sharing a room and your mate took all the sockets? Hateful, I know. But no problem, your smarter than him. Look behind the TV, usually there is an usb where you can charge your gadgets.

12. Did I lock?!

You're on a plane on your way to some relaxing holidays, and suddenly this thpught comes up to you. Now your relaxing holidays have turned into somethig stressing. Never get trough this again by doing something weird when locking your door, this way tou'll remember for sure.

13. What I had to buy?

Never forget anything in the grocery store by taking a photo of your fridge before going to do the shopping, by doing this you'll know what's missing at home.

This life hacks are the better that you can know in the modern life we live nowadays so make sure to remember them and share with other people to help them too!

Related post: 'The best kitchen life hacks!

Nice sites: https://lifehacker.com/; www.lifehacker.co.uk/; www.lifehack.org/

lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

Become A Better Language Talker

Want to improve a second language?

Knowing more than one language is essential nowadays. From saving you in a foreign country to get a job for a big income in an important multinational. But learning a new tongue is not easy and I'm sure this tips will help you!

by Kevin Zhou.

1. Learn the most basic words. 

Find the most used and common words. But don't get tangled up searching for words. Usually there are no more than 100 key words. The most important are "Hello", "Thanks", "Please" and "Goodbye". From there judge yourself wich words will be the most useful.

2. Meet people that speaks the language.

Texting and talking with people with the language you want to learn as their main one will help you a lot. You'll get more fluid when talking, will learn common expressions that are not in the books and also knowing someone from a foreign country is nice for when you visit it.

3. Accept that you'll commit errors.

People commit mistakes even when their speak their mother languge, so what's wrong if you say something wrong when you talk another tongue? Nothing! Even if you think they do, people won't judge you, at least not if they're nice. If they laugh at you maybe you should not mix with them.

4. Conversate.

This relates with point 2. Conversation is the easiest way to learn a language. Maybe when you start you'll need the other person to talk more slowly and you won't understand most of the things, but the more time you conversate the more fluent you get and the more fluent you get the better you speak and idiom.

5. Exploit your brain.

Study, learn and search for new words until your brain can't take it anymore because there's the point where you can't learn anymore and that means you've learned a lot. At the start your limit may be 1 hour but eventually you'll get to 2-4 hours.

6. Entertain yourself.

Watch movies, series, documentals... Read books, magazines, posts... Try to change your entertaining time activities idiom to the one you want to learn. But don't change this for your studying make this a side habit. 

7. Travel to a foreign country.

There is no better way to learn a language than having to use it everyday at every time. So when you have the chance to go to the country you like, don't hesitate and do it! Apart from the language you'll learn its culture!

8. Trust people.

 If you're in a foreign country and get really lost or don't know what to do in certain situations do'nt be afraid of asking for help or advice to the locals, they will always be glas to help you. You can't be shy when travelling to another country.

I hope that this tips helps you learn a new tongue! Thank you for reading and share it if you liked it!

domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2017

Become A Better Late Things Knowledge

Things that should be learnt early in life

Life isn't as long as you think, time flies. And someday you'll learn things that you wish you learnt them earlier, so here are a few things that you won't regret knowing earlier in life.

by Kevin Zhou.

1. College is useless. 

Unless you want to become a doctor or a scientist. Caolege is a waste of time and money.

2. Working for a company won't make you rich.

Being a corporate ( what college teaches you to be) will just give you enough money to live a simple life.

3. Starting your own business is easy.

Starting a business is easies than what you think 

4. Life is more than money and materilistic things.

Think thoroughly about this, you'll realize and find out more important things than money

5. It's easy to be free.

Take a look at number 3.

6. Family first.

Family is the most important thing that you have in your life and they'll always support you. Give them enough attention and time.

7. Don't give a f*ck about other people thoughts.

Whatever people  say about you, don't listen to them, you don't care. Wasting time thinking about what they say is just stupid

8. Treat others well.

This might sound very typical, but if you want others to treat you well, treat them well. It's impressive how not lots of people do this.

9. You can get sick at any age. 

Have a healthy lifestyle and live at your fullest, things like cancer can come unexpectedly. And never say that these things will never happen to you.

10. Life is a bitch.

Good things happen to bad people and bad things to good people. Accept it, life won't give you better things for being nicer. Take over whatever thing life does to you, learn to like your fate (good and bad things).

I hope that your life becomes nicer and better with this tips. Thanks for reading and share if you want to help other people.

Become A Better Distinguish Body Types

The three main body types.

The human body can be of three types, well there are really lots of body types, but there three than generalize most of them. These are ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph. Each of them are distinguished by very different caractheristics and here you'll learn to know and find out whick bosy type you have.

by Kevin Zhou.

What does your body type say? 

Before starting and as I said before, there are not exactly three types of bosies and we're not completely bound to one category or the other. Your lifestyle, genetics, history, and training style all play a part in how you look, and doing the right things you can change that. 


Ectomorphs tends to have a lean build, long limbs, and small muscle bellies, also they usually are thin, and struggles to gain weight as either body fat or muscle. Even so this doesn't mean that you can't get strong if you're an ectomorph, but to gain weight you will have to: eat a lot of protein and carbs, regularly lift heavy with good form, and do a little to none aerobic activities. Just because you're thin doesn't mean you're healthy, so still take your diet and fitness seriously!

Some ectomorphs caractheristics:
  • Narrow hips and clavicles.
  • Small joints.
  • Thin build.
  • Stringy muscle bellies.
  • Long limbs.


The endomorph tends to gain weight and then struggle to lose it. Their build is a little wider than an ectomorph or mesomorph, with a thick ribcage, wide hips, and shorter limbs. Also they have more muscle than other bosy types but it's not as visible because of the fat they easily gain.

This definitely doesn't mean that an endomorph can't be healthy. They can be every bit as strong, healthy, and capable as the other two groups, and may actually have some strength advantages due to their additional muscle mass.

Some help on how you should train: Get your heart pumping daily with some form of activity as that is  good thing for both health and calorie burn. Also you benefit from a fast training pace. If after doing this you still have much fat, take a look at what you eat.

Endomorphs caractheristics: 

  • Blocky
  • Thick rib cage
  • Wide/thicker joints
  • Hips as wide (or wider)
    than clavicles
  • Shorter limbs


 If you're a mesomorph, you have a natural tendency to be fit and relatively muscular. This doesn't mean that you can eat whatever you want and still stay fit. It's true that you have things easier to get in shape than other body types, but an mesomorph body is not a healthy body. 

Advice on how to train: focus more on your fat gains than on your muscle gain. Training on a regular basis with modarate weights is more than enough.

  • Wide clavicles
  • Narrow waist
  • Thinner joints
  • Long and round muscle bellies

Thanks for reading my guide and I hope that I helped you find out which body type you ressemble the most!

Become A Better Bigger Person

Gain bulkier with this tips!

Gaining muscle is one of the eish of many people but some of them see it impossible. If you're from that group, cheer up! It's not that you can't it's just that you are not doing the right things! Following these steps you'll get big and well-builded muscles.

by Kevin Zhou.

1. Find out which body type you are.

There are lots of body types, but mainly you can be ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph. Each of those types has its advantages and disadvantages. When you find out which body type you have you'll be able to focus on what fits you better!

Find out your body type here.

2. Train according to your needs.

Training 3 hours every day is not the solution to build muscle faster, moreover it can even be bad. Depending on your body type (ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph) you'll need to train more or less or docus more on cardio or on weight lifting.

3. Manage training time well.

As I said before, it's not neccesary to train every day every week, by doing so the only thing you'll achieve is worn out your body. Wehn you by lifting weight what you do is break your muscle fibers. Those fibers need time to repare so they adjust to the pressure you put on them (this is how muscles grow). If you train everyday your muscles won't grow so leave at least one day in between your workouts.

4. Eat enough!

Don't be afraid to eat. To build muscle you need to increase your calorie intake. But wait! Don't jump directly onto that pizza! You need to count the macros (protein, fat and carbs) that you ingest. Depending on your body type you'll have to focus more on carbs or proteins. For example, I'm an ectomorph and I need more carbs. 

You'll have to track calories too. I use the MyFitnessPal app to track my calories and works really nice.

5. Carbs are NOT bad.

Carbs are essential to your body as they're the main source of energy. Don't believe in those myths that say that carbs are bad, you just need to consume them from the right source. Avoid carbohydrates that come from sugar, white flours, pastries... and have complex carbs from full-grain bread, sweet potatoes, legumes... Here's a guide on good and bad carbs.

6. Have protein. 

Muscle fibers regenerate from protein. It's simple, if you don't have enough protein your muscles don't grow. So from now try to have protein with every meal you have. But be careful from where you get it! Try to stick to lean sources of protein like egg whites, chicken, cottage cheese.

Also if you don't see yourself able to consume so much food, try to have protein shakes. Personally I reccomend MyProtein. They worked the best on me.

7. Fats.

I won't say much about fats, just know that you brain uses them to work, I think that's enough. Healthy fats come from nuts, avocados, salmon...
And no, fat is not transformed into fat.

8. Plan your meals.

Every day know what will you eat the next day and make sure you can fill all your macros, this way the next day you won't have to be struggling on ehat to eat. Also try to make sure you have all the ingredients, sometimes you might think you have something and not having it may break your meal plan. Also remember to have protein with every meal!

sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017

Become A Better Magician

Becoming a magician

Magicians are from those group of people that are loved by everyone, from the little children to grown ups, and that's because of their charm. So why not learn some simple tricks to charm everyone? And maybe if you really like magic become a professional magician.

Advice: learn a little bit of misdirection before starting.

by Kevin Zhou.

1. Making instant ice. 

This one is a quite easy trick and you'll impress every child. You need to put a bottle of water in the freezer for about 2 hours (this way it gets almost frozen) and then pour the water over some ice. Because of science the water will freeze and become ice!

2. Moving a katchup bag inside a bottle.

For this trick you'll need misdirection. First take a bag of ketchup and put it inside a bottle of water. When you have put the bag inside the bottle, the only thing that need to be done is squish the bottle, you'll see how the bag goes down! Now to make it go up again just slowly release the bottle. It's neccesary that your doen's see you squishing the bottle so move your free hand following the ketchup bag so they don't focus on the other hand.

3. Making a coffee cup float.

To do this trick you need an empty coffee cup with a cut on the side, big enough to fit your thumb. Put your right thumb inside the hole made beforehand and hold the cup with both hands, then release it holding it just with your thumb, that's it. This trick is really easy, what might be a harder is people not noticing your thumb and to avoid so you can shake your hands when you release the cup.

4.   Make Sprite change colour

This isn't much of a magic trick but will still surprise your kid. It's easy, put some food coloring under ice inside a cup so when you pour Sprite it will "magically" change color.

5. Linking two paper clips.

This trick is little bit harder so I'll explain it by steps:
  1. Take a dollar bill and accordion-fold it into thirds so it has an S shape.
  2. Attach one of the paper clips to the front of the bill from the top, with the shorter side of the clip facing you. The clip should go over the outer layer of the folded bill as well as the middle layer, and it should be clipped near the edge of the bill, not the fold.
  3.  Attach the other paper clip to the back of the bill from the top, with the shorter side facing away from you. Again, the clip should go over the outer layer of the folded bill as well as the middle layer.
  4. Take one end of the bill in each hand and give it a quick snap. The clips will fly into the air, and when you pick them up, they’ll be attached. How? Magic, of course.
6. Rubber pencil. 

This trick is based on nothing but a visual illusion. Hold a pencil by one of its tips as close to the end as possible, then move it up and down, you'll see how it looks like its rubber made!

Thanks for getting to the end of the post. I hope that with this little easy tricks you can impress and make happy some children :).

Related BecomeABetter: Get an easier life!

Related: https://www.rebellion.es/; magic tricks; magic tricks.

Become A Better Belly

How to lose belly fat

Losing belly fatr is one  of the wishes of lots of people, but it seems impossible to most of them. Why is that? I'm pretty sure it's because you're doing some things wrong. Follow these steps and you'll lose at least 10 pounds in 3 weeks.

by Kevin Zhou.

1. The magic of ginger. 

Ginger is a root originated in Southern China and has been used in china for lots of years because of their properties. It's easy you just need to boil some ginger slices and drink the "tea" that comes out. For more efectiveness rub the boiled ginger in your belly, it's burning properties will help.

2. Take care of your calorie intake

First of all, yes it's true that you can eat whatever you want as much as you want. But you need to track your calories so later you can burn them! This way no matter how much you eat, if you know how much calories you ate you can burn them later. Just make sure you do enough exercise. 

3. Eat chocolate.

Eat chocolate (as I said before, as much as you want), chocolate, especially the one that has higher percentage of cocoa, is healthy for your brain because it contains healthy fats. Also it has digestive properties that'll help you lose belly fat.

4.Eat tons of citrus fruits.

Citrus fruits (i.e. oranges, lemons, grapefruit...) will help your digestive system. Research show that citrus fruit boos the production of acid in your stomach wich will help you digest food better, resulting in a flatter chest.

5. Take care of your carbs. 

I've seen in lots of other sites that carbs are bad and they make you fat. They're kinda right yeah, but it's not totally true. Carbs are only transformed into fat when you don't burn them. So, as I said in hte start, if you consume lots of carbs, make sure you burn them later!

6. Have fats too!

Fats are good, they help your brain work better! But not any kind of fat, you should totally avoid satured bad, as they are not healthy for your heart. Other fats (polyunsatured and monounsatured) are healthy and you can have them. You'll find the healthy fats in avocados, fish and nuts.

7. Lift weights.

Weight lifting is the most effective way of burning fat, eve, I'n more than cardio, and as I said before you need to burn fat if you want to eat a lot! And don't be scared of lifting weights if you're a girl and don't want to be too bulky, muscle doesn't appear unless you really want it to, so lift those weights without fear!

This are pretty much the steps i followed to have a flat belly and they really helped me, so you should give them a try! 

Thanks for reading and send me any question you have, I'll answer your questions as soon as I can!