domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

Become A Better Bad Habits

You should totally avoid doing these 9 things!

Life is full of bad habits that we go getting used to over our lifes. Having those habits will only get your living really bad. Here are the 9 worst habit that someone can have and you should totally quit!

By Kevin Zhou.

1. Control your money.

Using money you don't have will only lead to loans and unpaid bills and no one wants that. You don't need the latest technology or the bes car or house to impress anyone, for real, no one cares.

2. Forget about that guy.

You've had a fight with someone? OK, that kind of things happen , but fon't hold any grudge towards him. Choose, do something or forget about it.

3. Not keeping your word.

Not being able to keep what you've said will only hurt your relation with other people. Learn to control your time and keep your commitments. Again, not doing so will damage you more than the other guy.

4. No drugs.

No drugs unless you need them for real (and with this I mean tha you have a prescription). Even if there's people who says they are good and help us relax, in the end, everybody knows that's not really true.

5. Smoke.

Smoking is even worse than drugs. Well, in fact tobacco is a drug and you must get rid of it. Smoking has 0 benefits and having it as an habit will only lead to cancer and eventually death... Is it really worth?

6. Get out of bed!

Getting up early and getting something done, start everyday fresh with your head clear. Also doing something productive first thing in the morning will make you feel better and imorove your life. And if you're asking, yes it's OK to do it once in a while.

7. Trying to demostrate something you are not.

Proving yourself trying to do something you are not capable of is really stupid. As I said in point 2, people don't care about you. And even worse, if you do a really big stupidity you might end up dying. For real, it has happened many times. is it worth it?

8. Drunk is bad.

Getting drunk hurts almost all of your body internal organs,  changes your behaviour and will leave you with a really bad hangover the next morning. Think about it, do you really like that?

9. Fast food.

I understand you might not feel like cooking every now and then, and it's okay to have fast food sometimes, but skipping that burger or chocolate bar and replacing it with domething healthier instead will be really apreciated by your body. You'll definitely feel better.

Now that you know some of the worse habits you can have, start trying to get rid of them. Your body will thank you and you will improve your lifestyle. Share if you liked and thanks for reading!

sábado, 21 de octubre de 2017

Become A Better Drawer

The 8 trick that will improve your drawing!

Drawing can be very beutiful and art can open you new paths in life. Everybody likes a art, even the person that you think the most of likes art. A good painting charms everyone. Learn to draw those breath taking drawings that will be liked by everyone!  

By Kevin Zhou

1. Take classes

Attending drawing classes will improve your skills a lot. Having a teacher that taeches you and corrects your weaknesses will benefit you a lot. Also watching other students will also help. It's true that it costs money but it's worth it. If you can't afford it, try to look for local drawing meetings organized by artists. Getting help sirectly from an artist is preiceless.

2. Apreciate other's art

Look for other drawings. Search on the internet or visit a museum. Any kind of drawings will make you learn, from simple lines that might look plain to detailed pieces that will take time to understand. Take a look at their techniques and how they did other people do their drawings.

3. Carry a sketchbook

Carry a sketchbook literally everywhere. Have it in your bag or your purse wherever you go. Open it up and fill it anytime your inspiration comes. Your creation will end up being gorgeus because we draw the best when we are inspired.

4. Start simple

Aply this if you have no experience. If you're starting with draw, don't go and try to trace down that super nice view in the park or a complex landscape. Start simple with day today objects and focus on details. Once you're able to draw perfectly nice your hand or your feets you'll be good enough as those are the most detailed parts of the body to draw.

5. Draw photographs

This can aply to the previous point. A photograph is a "2d" image wich is usually more easy to draw than a tridimensional picture (this depends on the person really). And, again, focus a lot on details, shades, angles, edges...

6. Repeat

"Wow that cup of coffee looks super aesthetic, I'm going to draw it... Mmh this doesn't look nice..." * Tosses the drawing and loses motivation. Don't let this happen to you. You're still learning, a perfect drawing won't come good the first time. Nor the second. And probably neither the third. Repeating and consistency is key to improve as a drawer.

7. Copy others

Copying the pieces from great artists like Da Vinci can actually help you, even if it doesn't seem look true. You'll learn a lot from these and people won't mind you copying their art. In fact, they'll like that you choose their draing as reference.

8. Consistency

This can really be applied to everything in life. If you are going to start with the art of draing, be prepared to lots of frustration and discarded sketches. Be decided to do it and motivate yourself, habit makes the master. Dedicate some time to it EVERYDAY and eventually it'll become an habit.

Also is important for you to understand why you're doing it. If you start with it very illusionated but lose motivation over time, maybe you should try other hobbies and come back to drawing when you find your motivation again. Drawing unmotivated just leads to less motivation and more frustration.

I hope that these ips and tricks help you and make you improve your art. If you liked it share it and help others too!

viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

Become A Better Student

Be a better student with these 7 tips!

Studying is a really important thing but sometimes it can become a hell. Maybe you can't find enough time, or maybe you just have problems to concentrate. Whatever it is, following these tips, your studying will improve a lot. 

By Kevin Zhou

1. Read before class.

Take a look over the page you're going be teached the next class. This way you'll have an idea of abput what the teacher is talking, you'll feel smart in class and good questions will pop in your mind.

2. Week review.

Every weekend take a look at what've you done over the week. You'll remember things better and get to know what you struggle more with and focus and go deeper on it.

3. Organize notes.

Every day after class spend some time on rewritting and organizing the notes you took in class. Giving a clear structure to your notes will make thing more clear when you are studying and reviewing them.

4. Give a hand.

People will trust your knowledge if you follow these steps, so they'll probably ask you their questions. Don't hesitate to help them thinking you'll waste your time because it's been shown that teaching helps retain information.

5. Go to the library.

The library is designated to be used to study so go there and sdo so. Take nothing but your studying material there and focus only on studying. Eventually you'll tie the library with studying and get concentrate easier there.

6. Divide by categories.

Divide what you have to study in "know" and "don't know". After that, take a look over what you already know and take more time looking over what you don't. 

7. Ask your teachers.

Not just in class, email them too. Nowadays using email as a way to commmunicate isreally easy and asking question to your teacher trough them won't take you any effort. And what's more, you'll build a nice relationship with them wich can hellp you a lot later in the future (get recommendation letters or even a job!), having your proffesors know you is really useful!

I hope you get better grades with these tricks and improve as a student. If you know anybody who struggles studying, share this with him!

sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017

Become A Better KitchenTips

Cook better and faster with these tips!

Because lots of people liked the first part of these blog, I'm going to teach you some of the news tricks I've learned lately. These are some tricks and advice that'll help you a lot in the kitchen.

by Kevin Zhou

1. Lemon juice please.

You are going to cook a delicious lemon cheesecake but you don't have any lemon juice left? Or do you want to sell some juice in your frontdoor to earn some money? Squeeze everything out of that lemon by using some tongs! And if you microwave the lemons for 30 seconds you'll have even more juice.

2. Cooking eggs takes so much time!

You want to have something with eggs but it takes so much time for a so basic dish that you don't feel like cooking it? I understand you. That plus having to wash the pan, dishes etc. can be a very tiring process so why not cook them in a mug instead? 

Place two stirred eggs with salt and pepper inside an oiled mug and pace it inside a microwave for 45 secs. Turn it around and another 45 secs. There you have some nice scrambled eggs. Mix the eggs with what you want and heat it for 80 secs instead, you'll get a delicious omelette.

3. The power of dental floss.

You would never think of doing these but if you are bad cutting cakes with the knife try this. Using dental floss to cut cakes, pastries and pretty much whatever you want is something that helped me once last week ans it's realy effective. You just have to place the floss the shape you want to cut and press firmly.

4. Tin foil is more than just wrapping.

I'm pretty sure that you know that tin foils is really helpful when you need to wrap your sandwich, but did you know it's really useful when cooking in a camping or over fire? If you need to cook some meat or corn or something you don't want totally burnt, wrap some tin foil around it and place it over the fire. It'll be perfectly cooked and it won't taste like coal!

5. Shaped pancakes.

Surprise your kids with these lovely shaped pancakes for breakfast! You don't need to use a ketchup bottle as you might have read somewhere (that doesn't really work) but just some cookie cutters! Get some iron cookie cutters with a pattern that your children wll like and place them over a heat pan. After that you just have to pour inside your pancake mix and there you have it! Some lovely shaped pancakes that kids will love!

6. Chewy cookies?

Never get your cookies chewy again! 

Cookies are the best recently bakes with their moist texture so to keep that moisture for your leftover cookies, place them inside a tupperware with an apple wedge. Cookies will keep the moisture from the apple! And if you keep them for a log time just replace the apple wedge!

7. This lid!

How many times in your life have you struggled opening a (way too sealed) lid? Never waste your time in such things again by placing the jar downwards inside a container with some hot water for 15 seconds. The pressure inside the jar will decrease and it will be a lot easier to open.

That's it. These tricks helped me a lot lately and keep helping me. If you want to know the new tricks that I learn in the future let me know in the comments. 

viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

Become A Better Simpler Life

Are you having a life that makes you think too much?

Living a complex life being stressed everyday having to think about evry next move you're going to do is something that nobody likes. Simplicity is key in our lives. the simpler the happier. Learn to live simpler here.

by Kevin Zhou

1. Say thanks, sorry, no and talk. 

Learn to say each one of these words according to each situation. Thanks when thankful, sorry when sorry and firmly say no when neccesary. Talking in the right moment is also key.

2. Exercise everyday.

Some light jogging everyday is essential at least to keep our body in shape. Doing some more tiring sports evey now and then is recommended too.

3. Limit your phone.

Minimize the time you spend in social apps (facebook, instagram, snapchat...) and uninstall every app that you don't use, just keep the essential ones.

4. Get knowledge of the world.

Get a news app or search the internet for them. Scrol trough them briefly to get general information about what happens in the world.

5.Work when you have to.

"Meh, I'll just do that tomorrow". Never use that sentence. Do what you have to do when its time to do it. Laziness is not an excuse.

6. No bills.

Pay your taxes, bills and debts as early as possible. It gives an incredible sensation of relief.

7. What am I going to do?

Clarify your goals. Have planned what are your objectives (short and long term) and go for them. Every thing you do should be a path to achieve your goals.

I hope this helps you get a simpler life. If you want more tips let me know in the comments. Share if you liked.

jueves, 5 de octubre de 2017

Become A Better Waking Up

You should definitely not do this when waking up!

Waking up is one of the most hated things by some people, and even more if it's because of an alarm or some disturbing neighbours doing noise at 8 a.m. And if you add that to some stressing things you might ruin your day. Learn here what you should NOT do when you wake up.

By Kevin Zhou

1. Not making your bed.

Making your bed every morning starts a chain of good habits trough the day that will increase your performance.

2.Wow! Lots of emails.

Checking your mailbox when you wake up can lead you to an endless loop of requests and make you stay longer in bed. Avoid checking new emails at morning.

3. Curling up is so comfy!

Curling up or doing any other kind of wide stretching while still in bed builds up your comfidence for ypur day.

4. That damned alarm!

Waking up by the sound of an alarm makes our body get into a danger situation mode which causes our heart rate to go up. Try to get used to an automatic routine, being able to wake up without an alarm.

5. No snooze.

If you can't get an automatized routine and really need an alarm to wake you, avoid hitting the snooze as it'll make you feel worse instead of more energetic and refreshed.

6. Coffee yes, but later.

Coffee should be drank after 9:30 since that's what fits people the most. Drinking it for breakfast when you get out of bed slow downs your production of cortisol which leads to less energy.

7. Turn on those lights!

Getting prepared and dressed in the dark might trick your mind into thinking that's still night, which might make you feel groggy.

So now you know. From now on try to avoid these habits that I'm sure you have, at least, one of them. It'll help you improve your days a lot!

martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

Become A Better Warnings In Life

Are you living your life too angry?

Day a day we are exposed to stressing situations. These affects us and it's okay to get mad and do some wrong things every now and then. But there's a point that if you cross it maybe you should start caring more about your actions. Check if you do some of these things and try to change them if you do. 

By Kevin Zhou

1. Slow connection = angry.

If your mood changes according to your mobile or computer connection maybe you should start thinking how important you see your phone.

2. Was that my phone?

If you need to be checking your phone for social media notifications evry 5 minutes, you're giving something too much importance: You should care less about other people lives and focus more on your own.

3. Do I really have to do that?

You complain too much about everything and never want to do anything. Start to change this, life is not for the laziebones. 

4. Work again?

You curse a lot on your job and don't enjoy doing it? Maybe you should leave it as soon as possible and find something else.

5. Yes! This motivated me!

Reading some motivational quotes it's ok at some points in your life but reading them everyday doing nothing won't take you anywhere. Do some more action and some less quotes reading!

6. F*ck that car!

Being cursing and misbehaving not just to another driver but to a waitress, cooks and pretty much everybody in your life is never a good thing. Think about it before saying anything next time.

7. OMG I need gems!

Playing some games on your phone in your free time is nothing bad. Spending all your day trying to get that Pokemon, finding the best strategy in that hard game or even spending money for some special rewards in games is a really bad sign.

8. Ugh give me a shot I'm stressed!

The use of drugs on a regular basis to forget about your "hard" life is not the solution. Try to limit your alcohol intake and avoid any drugs that you might think would help you.

9. Use protection.

Getting used to have unsafe or unprotected sex will only lead you to unwanted pregnancy and the infection of STD.

If you see any of these warnings in your life, it's time to change! If you son't see any of it share it to a friend that may need to take a look at this.

sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2017

Becoming A Better Life Saver

Save your life when in danger with this tips.

I hope that it never happens to you but if you ever get into a dangerous "do something or die" situation knowing these few things will keep you alive another day. Make sure to remember them well!

By Kevin Zhou.

1. Always let know where you will be.

Letting people know where you are going will help the police find you if something happens to you.

2. Hands out of the pockets.

If you're walking down some stairs or a cliff, take your hand out of your pockets so if you fall you'll have something to support on and reduce damage.

3. Never get dragged into a car.

If a rober or an attacker tries to drag you into a vehicle do whatever is neccesary to avoid it. If you are dragged, chances are you'll never be found. Yep, it's scary.

4. Take your look out of your phone!

Don't walk around the street with your eyes fixed on your phone! If you do so the chance of an accident happening increase, and no one wants to be injured by a silly device!

5. Lost?

"Where am I?" If you ever ask yourself in a forest, you probably are lost. Calm down and think. try to find the path back, but overall find shelter and water.

6. Phone and drive? No, tahnks.

Back again at devices. Texting or answering a call while driving is really dangerous, even if it doesn't seem so. If the call is really important, find place to stop and thencall back. Remember, no one wants to be injured because of a stupid device.

7. Trust your instincts.

After all we're mammals, we have instincts. When you really are in the pint where you don't know what to do, stop thinking and do the first thing that comes across your mind, it's probably the best option.

8. Agressive dog?

If you're walking your dog, come across a dangerous and agressive dog and it attacks yours, grab him by the back legs and pull backwards.

9. Defend yourself.

If someone tries to attack you, look for a hit in the eyes, the groin or the ears. Strong hits in these places will briefly stun the attacker, giving you some time to escape.

Remember well these things and if you ever get into a dangerous situation, you'll get to live another day.

jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

Becoming A Better Easier Life

1 minute tricks that'll change your life!

Reading these each one of these advice won't take you more than 1 minute but they'll change your life forever! Make sure to read and remember them all!

By Kevin Zhou

1. Choose what's important.

Most of the things you do now (about a 70-80%) will turn into nothing in the future. Think thoroughly and choose which thinks will han an useful outcome in 5 years. The other thinks are useless shit.

2. MI3

The most 3 importants things in the day, choose them every morning. An alternative could be the 1 must 3 should  5 could.

3. Productivity chain.

Invented by Seinfeld, the productivity chain says that to be good at something you must do it everyday. Everyday is every day, holidays included.

4. Memory is not reliable.

Even if you're a genius and think you can remember everything, you can't. Write things down, make a note in your phone... Just do it, I don't care how.

5. Stick to your routine.

Plan a routine everyday in the morning along your MI3. This will help you learn to prioritize, forget about useless tasks and save you lots of time.

6. Keep a log.

This is related to the rule before. Keeping a log of wjhat yoou did yesterday will help you remember better your activities and save you time.

7. Schedule your emails. 

Don't check your email 1st thing in the morning, designate some time between 1 - 1.5 hours. Reading emails 1st thing in the morning can ruin your day. Also try to keep your inbox 0 as possible.

I'm sure these tips will change your life! They changed mine and because of it I'M sharing them with you. Make sure to help other people by sharing them.

Nice webpages:

martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017

Become A Better Life Hacker

15 Life Saving Hacks

Life will trick you many times and most of them you won't know what to do. By learning thses easy things you'll overcome those challenging life moments in which you are screwed. Get prepared now for life! 

by Kevin Zhou.

1. Finding out if some batteries work.

By dropping some batteries about 6 inch (15cm) you'll know if those old batteries still work. If when you drop them they bounce a little and fall, they're good. If they bounce around you can get rid of them.

2.Avoid dripping rubbish.

By placing some old newspapers on the bottom of your rubbish bin the trash bag won't leak those disgusting liquids that nobody likes and leaves everything dirty.

3. Instant frozen.

Need to freeze a drink lightning fast? Place a wet paper around your beverage and put it in the freezer, it'll freeze in no more than 15 minutes!

4. Beach safe case.

Going to the beach? Can't find anywhere to place your stuff? Clean a lotion bottle and place everything inside! People won't steal your lotion bottle and if the bottle is well closed you can even get it into the water!

5. Fancy champagne ice.

Want to impress your guests in an fancy party with champagne? Freeze some green grapes and place them inside the glasses. It'll give a glowing green colour to the champgane and people will be surprised by it!

6. Love iced coffee?

If you love iced coffee in the hot summer mornings but don't have time to prepare it then make it the night before! Prepare some coffee and pour it in an ice cube tray, next morning you'll just have to put them inside some milk and drink your iced coffee.

7. Never lose lent objects.

Ever lent something to someone and he/she lost it? Make sure you take a photo of your friend holding your properties with your phone. This way when you go claim your item you'll have evidence of lending it!

8. Make perfect pancakes.

Everybody knows how to do pancakes, but does everybody know how to do them perfectly? If you are one of those who struggle doing pancakes just place the mix inside a cleaned ketchup bottle, this way you can shape them as you like. 

9. Damn eggs!

Have you ever struggled with things as simple as peeling a boiled egg? Never have such problems again by using some baking soda (about a tablespoon) when boiling eggs. The shell will come almost on its own!

10. No more cold pizza.

Ever bought a pizza and it got cold on your way home? Never eat a cold pizza again just by turning on your seat warmer!

11. Where are the sockets!

Have you ever been in a hotel sharing a room and your mate took all the sockets? Hateful, I know. But no problem, your smarter than him. Look behind the TV, usually there is an usb where you can charge your gadgets.

12. Did I lock?!

You're on a plane on your way to some relaxing holidays, and suddenly this thpught comes up to you. Now your relaxing holidays have turned into somethig stressing. Never get trough this again by doing something weird when locking your door, this way tou'll remember for sure.

13. What I had to buy?

Never forget anything in the grocery store by taking a photo of your fridge before going to do the shopping, by doing this you'll know what's missing at home.

This life hacks are the better that you can know in the modern life we live nowadays so make sure to remember them and share with other people to help them too!

Related post: 'The best kitchen life hacks!

Nice sites:;;

lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

Become A Better Language Talker

Want to improve a second language?

Knowing more than one language is essential nowadays. From saving you in a foreign country to get a job for a big income in an important multinational. But learning a new tongue is not easy and I'm sure this tips will help you!

by Kevin Zhou.

1. Learn the most basic words. 

Find the most used and common words. But don't get tangled up searching for words. Usually there are no more than 100 key words. The most important are "Hello", "Thanks", "Please" and "Goodbye". From there judge yourself wich words will be the most useful.

2. Meet people that speaks the language.

Texting and talking with people with the language you want to learn as their main one will help you a lot. You'll get more fluid when talking, will learn common expressions that are not in the books and also knowing someone from a foreign country is nice for when you visit it.

3. Accept that you'll commit errors.

People commit mistakes even when their speak their mother languge, so what's wrong if you say something wrong when you talk another tongue? Nothing! Even if you think they do, people won't judge you, at least not if they're nice. If they laugh at you maybe you should not mix with them.

4. Conversate.

This relates with point 2. Conversation is the easiest way to learn a language. Maybe when you start you'll need the other person to talk more slowly and you won't understand most of the things, but the more time you conversate the more fluent you get and the more fluent you get the better you speak and idiom.

5. Exploit your brain.

Study, learn and search for new words until your brain can't take it anymore because there's the point where you can't learn anymore and that means you've learned a lot. At the start your limit may be 1 hour but eventually you'll get to 2-4 hours.

6. Entertain yourself.

Watch movies, series, documentals... Read books, magazines, posts... Try to change your entertaining time activities idiom to the one you want to learn. But don't change this for your studying make this a side habit. 

7. Travel to a foreign country.

There is no better way to learn a language than having to use it everyday at every time. So when you have the chance to go to the country you like, don't hesitate and do it! Apart from the language you'll learn its culture!

8. Trust people.

 If you're in a foreign country and get really lost or don't know what to do in certain situations do'nt be afraid of asking for help or advice to the locals, they will always be glas to help you. You can't be shy when travelling to another country.

I hope that this tips helps you learn a new tongue! Thank you for reading and share it if you liked it!