The 8 trick that will improve your drawing!

By Kevin Zhou
1. Take classes
Attending drawing classes will improve your skills a lot. Having a teacher that taeches you and corrects your weaknesses will benefit you a lot. Also watching other students will also help. It's true that it costs money but it's worth it. If you can't afford it, try to look for local drawing meetings organized by artists. Getting help sirectly from an artist is preiceless.
2. Apreciate other's art
Look for other drawings. Search on the internet or visit a museum. Any kind of drawings will make you learn, from simple lines that might look plain to detailed pieces that will take time to understand. Take a look at their techniques and how they did other people do their drawings.
3. Carry a sketchbook
Carry a sketchbook literally everywhere. Have it in your bag or your purse wherever you go. Open it up and fill it anytime your inspiration comes. Your creation will end up being gorgeus because we draw the best when we are inspired.
4. Start simple
Aply this if you have no experience. If you're starting with draw, don't go and try to trace down that super nice view in the park or a complex landscape. Start simple with day today objects and focus on details. Once you're able to draw perfectly nice your hand or your feets you'll be good enough as those are the most detailed parts of the body to draw.
5. Draw photographs
This can aply to the previous point. A photograph is a "2d" image wich is usually more easy to draw than a tridimensional picture (this depends on the person really). And, again, focus a lot on details, shades, angles, edges...
6. Repeat
"Wow that cup of coffee looks super aesthetic, I'm going to draw it... Mmh this doesn't look nice..." * Tosses the drawing and loses motivation. Don't let this happen to you. You're still learning, a perfect drawing won't come good the first time. Nor the second. And probably neither the third. Repeating and consistency is key to improve as a drawer.
7. Copy others
Copying the pieces from great artists like Da Vinci can actually help you, even if it doesn't seem look true. You'll learn a lot from these and people won't mind you copying their art. In fact, they'll like that you choose their draing as reference.
8. Consistency
This can really be applied to everything in life. If you are going to start with the art of draing, be prepared to lots of frustration and discarded sketches. Be decided to do it and motivate yourself, habit makes the master. Dedicate some time to it EVERYDAY and eventually it'll become an habit.
Also is important for you to understand why you're doing it. If you start with it very illusionated but lose motivation over time, maybe you should try other hobbies and come back to drawing when you find your motivation again. Drawing unmotivated just leads to less motivation and more frustration.
I hope that these ips and tricks help you and make you improve your art. If you liked it share it and help others too!
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