You should totally avoid doing these 9 things!

By Kevin Zhou.
1. Control your money.
Using money you don't have will only lead to loans and unpaid bills and no one wants that. You don't need the latest technology or the bes car or house to impress anyone, for real, no one cares.
2. Forget about that guy.
You've had a fight with someone? OK, that kind of things happen , but fon't hold any grudge towards him. Choose, do something or forget about it.
3. Not keeping your word.
Not being able to keep what you've said will only hurt your relation with other people. Learn to control your time and keep your commitments. Again, not doing so will damage you more than the other guy.
4. No drugs.
No drugs unless you need them for real (and with this I mean tha you have a prescription). Even if there's people who says they are good and help us relax, in the end, everybody knows that's not really true.
5. Smoke.
Smoking is even worse than drugs. Well, in fact tobacco is a drug and you must get rid of it. Smoking has 0 benefits and having it as an habit will only lead to cancer and eventually death... Is it really worth?
6. Get out of bed!
Getting up early and getting something done, start everyday fresh with your head clear. Also doing something productive first thing in the morning will make you feel better and imorove your life. And if you're asking, yes it's OK to do it once in a while.
7. Trying to demostrate something you are not.
Proving yourself trying to do something you are not capable of is really stupid. As I said in point 2, people don't care about you. And even worse, if you do a really big stupidity you might end up dying. For real, it has happened many times. is it worth it?
8. Drunk is bad.
Getting drunk hurts almost all of your body internal organs, changes your behaviour and will leave you with a really bad hangover the next morning. Think about it, do you really like that?
9. Fast food.
I understand you might not feel like cooking every now and then, and it's okay to have fast food sometimes, but skipping that burger or chocolate bar and replacing it with domething healthier instead will be really apreciated by your body. You'll definitely feel better.
Now that you know some of the worse habits you can have, start trying to get rid of them. Your body will thank you and you will improve your lifestyle. Share if you liked and thanks for reading!